You're invited to a telephonic meeting: During coronavirus crisis, towns carry on
Ogdensburg, Franklin, Hamburg, Hardyston. Ogdensburg provides a drop box for payments. Franklin first responders have the gear they need to keep them safe during the pandemic. This Monday, Hamburg officials and the public will meet by telephone. The walking path and fields are open at the Wheatsworth Road Recreation Complex, but not the playground.

Ogdensburg provides a drop box for payments
The municipal building is open, but not to the public, to reduce the chance of exposure to COVID-19. Residents making payments may use the drop-off box located outside the entrance to the building. They may also call borough hall at 973-827-3444 with any questions or concerns.
"This is a difficult and extraordinary situation," Ogdensburg Mayor George Hutnick said in an online post. "I recognize that people throughout our community, including our workforce, are concerned for their personal health and that of their families and friends,"
There will be no interruption of schedule for Ogdensburg's police officers or department of public works employees. For updates or more information visit
The New Jersey Department of Health has established a 24-hour telephone hotline at 800-222-1222.
Franklin first responders have the gear they need
In Franklin, Mayor John Sowden says in an online post that the borough is providing its first responders (police, fire and rescue squad) with the equipment, cleaning materials, and procedures they need to stay safe.
The point person for tracking the coronavirus in Franklin is Jim Williams of the borough's office of emergency management.
The water department will begin a hydrant flushing program beginning April 1 and continuing until the end of the month. Water may become discolored for brief periods, so check before doing your laundry. If you see brown water, open your outside tap and flush until the brown water is eliminated.
Flushing will be done between 9 p.m. and 2 a.m. to minimize inconvenience.
You're invited to a telephonic meeting in Hamburg
The regularly scheduled mayor and council meeting in Hamburg, scheduled for 7 p.m. on Monday, April 6, will be held as a telephonic meeting. To attend and participate, call 1-425-436-6364, then enter access code 119393#.
Members of the public will be asked to state their names and addresses for the record before asking questions or giving comments.
Detailed call-in instructions will be available on the borough website
Walking path, not playground, open in Hardyston
The fields and walking path at the Wheatsworth Road Recreation Complex in Hardyston remain open for passive recreation, as long as users comply with the social distancing rules -- staying at least six feet away from other people -- set down by the federal Centers for Disease Control.
However, the playground equipment and structures at Wheatsworth are closed until further notic.
The Littell Community Center in Hardyston will remained closed through April 19. The building is closed to all community and youth sports organizations.
Also put on hold is the Crystal Springs Waterspheroid Project. Work on the water tank has been suspended for at least two weeks.
For more information visit