New principal at Rev. Brown hopes for positive changes

| 29 Sep 2011 | 04:17

SPARTA — These days there’s a great deal of discussion about the critical importance of strong math and science programs in grades K-12, and whether or not students in the United States are prepared to hold their own in these content areas. Dr. Catherine Duncan, the new principal of Rev. Brown School, wants to insure that K through eighth grade students have access to strong programs. One step in this direction is to give students ample opportunities to both read and write. In an interview Duncan said “if you are good at reading and writing, pretty much every other academic subject comes easy to you. You have to read and write in every discipline.” Increasing technology Duncan is working to introduce a number of technology-based resources teachers can use to expand and enhance instruction. The school is working to provide a smart board in each classroom by next year Duncan has over 25 years of experience in education. Duncan served as interim principal in several schools in Morris and Bergen counties as well as principal of Our Lady of Mercy School in Whippany. She has also taught graduate level students at Seton Hall University and College of St. Elizabeth. In addition, she mentors new principals in the Leader 2 Leader Program. Duncan believes in the philosophy of teaching and learning that is consistent with the current research, exemplary practices, and national standards. Therefore, along with academics Duncan is also focusing on assessing differentiating instructions in smaller groups this year. New writing program The English department of Rev. Brown has introduced My Access writing program. It is a computer-based program for sixth to eighth graders to review, critique and grade their writing expertise. The students have responded very positively to the program. Assistant Principal Sue Santore has introduced advance education in math through collaboration with the faculty at Pope John XXIII High School. Santore said that Rev. Brown school’s fifth through eighth grade math has an above average acceleration program. The program allows all students in eighth grade to take Algebra I which will provide a solid background for high school level math, specially for honors classes. Possible string orchestra A lover of classical music, Duncan is pleased to have a Juilliard graduate parent, Sue Chuang-Tsay who has offered to provide string lessons to first and second grade students. In an effort to expand the music program at the school, Duncan wants to see a string orchestra by next year. She noted that despite dwindling enrollments in Catholic schools around the nation, registration at Rev. Brown has increased. The school now has 541 students. Although there are several enhancements for strong academic performance, Rev. Brown still maintains its dedication to basic principals of spiritual values.