Fitness devices to keep track at this year’s Celebrate a Life virtual walk
Augusta. Unlike a traditional walk/run, this virtual fundraiser for the Joseph T. Quinlan Bereavement Center uses technology and takes social distancing into account. Registered walkers may manually enter their daily activity or wear a tracking device. Awards will be presented on Sept. 26 on Zoom.

The fifth annual Celebrate A Life Walk will be held virtually this year. Participants are urged to walk, run, dance, do housework -- it all counts as activity and can be converted to miles for this 26.2-mile virtual walk.
There is a $25 registration fee to join the walk. All funds raised will benefit the programs and services at the Joseph T. Quinlan Bereavement Center.
Unlike a traditional walk/run/bike race, this virtual event uses technology and takes social distancing into account, allowing you to participate on your own, with a friend, work mates or your whole family, showing your support whenever and wherever you are day or night, rain or shine, inside or outside.
Once registered walkers will be able to either manually enter their daily activity or download the Racery app, connect their wearable device, like a FitBit, Apple Watch, Garmin, or other device, and their activity will automatically sync to the walk dashboard. As a walker logs activity, their walk icon moves along the route. Participants can see how they are doing and compete with other walkers for weekly prizes, in addition to the overall event prizes.
“Well, this is officially my first marathon, but I’m so excited to be a part of this exciting event to help raise awareness and much needed funds for the Bereavement Center,” said Diana Sebzda, director of bereavement. “COVID-19 can’t keep us down. Our doors never closed, and we make sure that no one has to walk alone on this path of anticipatory grief and bereavement.”
Start and finish
The “virtual” walk route starts at the Joseph T. Quinlan Bereavement Center on 214 Washington Avenue in Hackettstown, meanders past the Karen Ann Quinlan Home from Hospice in Fredon, and ends at the Bereavement Center headquarters in Augusta.
The walk started as a way to help those dealing with a loss celebrate the life and memory of loved ones who have died. The Bereavement Centers offers individual counseling and ongoing support groups for those suffering the loss of a loved one. Anyone may use these services. Participants are encouraged to send in photos of their loved ones to place on the memory wall sponsored by Biggs Kids.
A closing celebration with the lighting of a symbolic memorial light, memory wall acknowledgement, virtual vendors and an awards presentation will be held on Saturday, Sept. 26 at 10 a.m. via Zoom. Last year Team Dominator, led by Dana Noll, raised more than $1,500 with a large donation from the BPO Elks #1388. The team walked in memory of Dominick Noll.
Registrants are encouraged to form a team to raise funds. There will be prizes awarded to individuals and teams who raise the most money. All money raised will stay in the community and benefit the Bereavement Center. Call 973-383-0115 ext. 145 for more information on how to get involved. Download instructions on how to join, start a team, ask for donations, and get a pledge sheet online at
This year there will be virtual exercise specialists who special pointers and tips on how to warm-up, stretch, and cool down for whatever type of activity you are planning to do.