Playground may not be ready for Sussex Day dedication
Sussex. “Sussex Borough Council President Mario Poggi said he’s trying for the Oct. 23 date but that “a lot of things have to go right make it happen.”

The dedication of Sussex Borough’s playground at the new T.J. Dunn Memorial Park is scheduled for Oct. 16. But Council President Mario Poggi said he’s unsure the park will be ready by then.
Poggi is also working to get one of the fountains donated to the borough moved to the park site, which is located at Boggs Field.
“I don’t know how this looks to get the date we wanted to dedicate the park on Sussex Day, Oct. 23,” Poggi said at the council’s Sept. 7 meeting. “I’m not sure that’s going to come to fruition. A lot of things have to go right make it happen. I’m trying my best to make it happen, but there are things that are just out of my hands.”
Two picnic tables are expected to be delivered to the park by Sept. 25. The borough will only need to decide where to put them.
Poggi said he found a private contractor who will do the dig for the playground. The contractor is expected to come out the week of Oct. 11 to install posts and pour cement at the site.
The borough also needs 60 yards of stone, which will be delivered and spread after the posts are set.
“There are still a lot of moving parts, and time is getting short,” Poggi said.
While the playground build is scheduled for Oct. 16, a volunteer sheet has not yet been posted.
The flagpole has been delivered, but Poggi said he wants to hold back on installing it until the fountain is moved. If that takes too long, he said, the flagpole will go in.
Poggi said he has also seen the “T.J. Dunn” park signs.
Councilman Jake Little said he had a price quote for fences but is working on two more, since the first was high.