Pope John trio win sub-varsity races
While the varsity runners were competing for the SCIL gold, a trio of Pope John harriers and one Jefferson runner won the Junior Varsity and Freshmen Divisions of 2005 SCIL Cross-Country Festival that were contest at the Sussex County Fair Grounds in Frankford. Jefferson’s Michelle Gurlacz won the Freshmen Girls 1.6-Mile Run, breaking the tape in 13:51. Pope John’s winners were Jon Juleus in the Junior Varsity Boys 5000-Meter Run with a time of 17:30, Anne Dauer in the Junior Varsity Girls 5000-Meter Run with a clocking of 22:42 and Kevin McCormick in the Freshmen Boys 1.6-Mile Run with a time of 11:17. Results compliments of njcrosscountry.com. Junior Varsity Boys 5000-Meter Run 1. Jon Juleus, Pope John, 17:30 2. Josh D’Anna, Pope John, 17:45 3. Matt Pezzulo, Pope John, 17:51 4. Doug Murphy, Pope John, 18:01 5. Pat Rosendale, Pope John, 18:05 6. Isak Bond, Pope John, 18:10 7. Paul Wilson, Pope John, 18:13 8. Robert Lennon, Pope John, 18:30 9. Talon Hogan, Hopatcong, 18:33 10. Mike Lamm, Pope John, 18:39 11. Bryce Florek, Hopatcong, 18:48 12. Graham Medak, Pope John, 19:17 13. Ryan Norris, Pope John, 19:17 14. Ryan Burke, Vernon, 19:26 15. Josh Miller, Vernon, 19:35 16. Steve Vealey, High Point, 19:50 17. Shawn Cunningham, Wallkill Valley, 19:51 18. Adam Aldrich, Vernon, 19:55 19. Kevin Flotard, Vernon, 19:59 20. Victor Rusinko, Wallkill Valley, 20:01 21. Evan Luberger, High Point, 20:13 22. Marshall Lindblad, Vernon, 20:14 23. Tom VanHerwarde, Vernon. 20:16 24. Shane Nauss, Vernon, 20:24 25. Donnie Bogardus, Hopatcong, 20:27 26. Tom Wilson, Pope John, 20:29 27. Mark Dekker, High Point, 20:33 28. Tom Hull, High Point, 20:48 29. Zach Briggs, Wallkill Valley, 20:49 30. Eugene Santos, Vernon, 20:50 31. Kyle Downey, Hopatcong, 20:54 32. William Blakeley, Lenape Valley, 20:58 33. Peter Stegman, Sparta, 21:35 34. Richard Couillard, Newton, 22:05 35. Paul Najemian, Lenape Valley, 22:14 36. Bret Cardena, Hopatcong, 22:15 37. Ken Natelli, Lenape Valley, 22:51 38. Ethan Smith, High Point, 22:55 39. Dave Evans, Sparta, 23:00 40. Tyler Collins, Sparta, 26:24 41. Mike Peer, Pope John, 27:00 42. Ryan Artligiere, Wallkill Valley, 28:39 43. Ryan Pipkin, Vernon, 29:59 Junior Varsity Girls 5000-Meter Run 1. Anne Dauer, Pope John, 22:42 2. Courtney Theese, High Point, 23:02 3. Shaina Catanzerite, Wallkill Valley, 23:17 4. Liz Lemasters, Pope John, 23:26 5. Jamie Brabston, Sparta, 23:43 6. Brittany Howell, Sussex Tech, 23:46 7. Theresa Mobilio, High Point, 23:54 8. Victoria Theese, High Point, 24:21 9. Nicole Saliba, Wallkill Valley, 24:27 10. Caitlyn Lees, Pope John, 24:29 11. Kirstin Cappiello, High Point, 24:41 12. Maria Marino, Wallkill Valley, 25:12 13. Justyna Marcinow, Jefferson, 25:17 14. Savvy Darrah, Wallkill Valley, 25:32 15. Jenna Gersie, High Point, 25:36 16, Margret McLaughlin, Sussex Tech, 25:47 17. Grace Wilson, Pope John, 26:04 18. Kaitlin Bennett, Jefferson, 28:15 19. Erika Jahn, Jefferson, 28:20 20. Kim Kobilinski, Newton, 29:04 21. Melissa Uhl, Sussex Tech, 29:06 22. Laura Esposito, Vernon, 32:26 23. Brianna Collinson, Sussex Tech, 33:33 24. Ann Marie Harris, Newton, 40:41 Freshmen Boys 1.6-Mile Run 1. Kevin McCormick, Pope John, 11:17 2. Bobby Duncan, Hopatcong, 11:20 3. Pat Logan, Vernon, 11:47 4. Chris Gaus, Pope John, 12:01 5. Ben Crater, Lenape Valley, 12:10 6. Brian Rourke, Vernon, 12:31 7. Eric Rossi, Vernon, 12:33 8. Joe Benedetto, Pope John, 12:35 9. Corey Hellwig, Wallkill Valley, 12:44 10. David Hering, Vernon, 13:02 11. Matt Barnish, Hopatcong, 13:03 12. Jim Morrissey, Pope John, 13:04 13. Pete Scholl, Lenape Valley, 13:12 14, Mike Gargin, Kittatinny, 13:13 15. Cody Berkefeld, Lenape Valley, 13:16 16. Brad Holenstein, Pope John, 13:22 17. Nick Schreck, Vernon, 13:30 19. Brian Barrett, Vernon, 13:56 20. Matt McGarva, High Point, 13:57 21. Joe Wagner, Newton, 14:01 22. Zach Shortway, Vernon, 14:19 23. JustinFarichon, High Point, 14:45 24. Marc Kunesch, Pope John, 15:17 25. Matt Hansen, Pope John, 15:17 26. Mike Marrash, Kittatinny, 16:34 27. Blaise Sica, Lenape Valley, 17:01 28. Kevin Bifano, Wallkill Valley, 17:10 29. John Friend, Pope John, 17:47 30. Matt Bell, Wallkill Valley, 20:11 31. Yemi Arole, Pope John, 20:14 Freshmen Girls 1.6-Mile Run 1. Michelle Gurlacz, Jefferson, 13:51 2. Vicky Caruso, Wallkill Valley, 14:28 3. Jessica Sella, Wallkill Valley, 14:44 4. Kelly Giacomaro, Lenape Valley, 14:46 5. Maria Marino, Wallkill Valley, 15:12 6. Heather Russell, Wallkill Valley, 15:21 7. Amanda Salamone, Vernon, 15:23 8. Krystal Taylor, Wallkill Valley, 16:14 9. Ashley Gonzalez, Hopatcong, 17:46 10. Noelle Hayenhjelm, Wallkill Valley, 20:20