A taste for literacy
Those of us who are reading this paper can easily forget that it is not simple for everyone. Those who have difficulty with English whether born here or from abroad have problems more serious than not absorbing the local paper: they cannot get a job or a driver’s license, for instance. Literacy Volunteers of Sussex County does its best to reduce this severe obstacle, by tutoring adults in English, at no charge. To support our small office, we are inviting you to an educational wine-tasting, on Saturday, June 4, noon to 6 p.m., at Ventimiglia Vineyard in Wantage at 101 Layton road. (Visit www.VentiVines.com for directions). The surroundings are beautiful, the vineyard tour and live music enjoyable, and the wine delicious. If wine education you’re craving Make June 4 a date you’ll be saving For talk and a tour Wine-tasting and more Of Wantage’s wines you’ll be raving. Marguerite Gadel Literacy Volunteers of Sussex County www.literacyforyou.org