As Covid cases take off in Pike County, we must redouble our efforts to stay safe

An Open Letter to our Pike County Neighbors:
Pike County has much to be proud of concerning our response to the Covid pandemic. We have worked together as a community to raise awareness, reduce transmission, and provide care for those affected by the virus itself as well as by the economic consequences of the shutdown.
Our effective response — which has included cooperative efforts between governmental, public health, business, and community leadership — has enabled us to safely open our schools and businesses. We are fortunate that Pike County’s Covid transmission rate has at times been one of the lowest of any county in Pennsylvania.
However, we also are conscious that Covid transmission rates are rising across the country; Pennsylvania has recently recorded more new cases than at any time since the beginning of the pandemic. Cases in Pike County have risen substantially in recent days.
With cold weather, we will be spending more time indoors. The holidays will bring out-of-town visitors and celebrations with families and friends. Both factors will exponentially heighten the risk of Covid transmission.
That’s why we are asking every person in Pike County, every resident, employee or visitor, to join us in redoubling our efforts to prevent transmission.
What we do in the next few weeks and months may well determine how many more people in Pike County will get infected with Covid, how many will die from it and whether or not our businesses and schools will be able to stay open through the winter or face a renewed lockdown.
That means it is imperative that we:
● Wear masks or face coverings including outdoors when around others
● Socially distance, indoors and outdoors
● Avoid enclosed spaces for extended periods of time
●Wash our hands frequently
● Get a flu immunization
● Maintain awareness
Please join us in committing to keep Pike County safe. Thank you.
November 7, 2020
(Sign-on list still in formation)
Pike County Commissioners: Matthew M. Osterberg, Ronald R. Schmalzle, and Steven R. Guccini
Delaware Valley School District Superintendent John Bell
East Stroudsburg Area School District Superintendent Dr. William R. Riker
Pocono Mountains Visitors Bureau President/CEO Chris Barrett
Milford Mayor Sean Strub
Milford Borough Councilmembers: Frank Tarquinio, Joseph Dooley, Susie Lyddon, Luke Turano, and Adriane Wendell
Milford Borough Public Safety Committee members: Annette Haar and Dr. Doug Manion
Milford Borough Police Chief Matt McCormack
Milford Borough Emergency Coordinator Dave Ruby
Milford Borough Recreation Committee & Music in the Park Coordinator Michael Zimmerman
Porter Township Supervisors: Cheryl Schmitt, Kathy Otting, and Terri Koch
Porter Township Auditor George Schmitt
Lackawaxen Township Supervisor Jeffrey A. Shook
Milford Township Supervisor Penney Luhrs
Delaware Township Supervisor Jane Neufeld
Tafton Fire Chief Tafton EMS 1st Lieutenant Michael Miller
Pike County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors
Pike County Historical Society and Museum
Pike County Public Library Executive Director Rose Chiocchi
Greater Pike Community Foundation board members: James Pedranti, Rosann Kalish, Maleyne Syracuse, Omar Brown, Christa Caceres, Edsson Whitney, Kurt Mackey, Ann Morey, Maryanne Monte, Maggie Niles, Tim Smith, and Sean Strub
The Rev. Van A. Bankston, Good Shepherd Episcopal Church
The Rev. Kaleigh Tomich Corbett, Milford United Methodist Church
The Rev. Canon Elizabeth R. Geitz, Good Shepherd Sustainable Learning Foundation
Dr. Robert A. Ollar, Ph.d, Director of Research, TBD Support Network, Inc and Clinical Assistant Professor of Neurology, New York Medical College
Drs. Richard and Marina Buckley, MilfordMD, Cosmetic Dermatology, Surgery & Laser Center
Sue Doty Lloyd, Publisher, Pike County Dispatch
Lewis J. Critelli, President and CEO, Wayne Bank
John Kiesendahl, Chairman, The Dime Bank, Director, Wallenpaupack Area School District, Director, Pocono Mountains Visitors Bureau
Justin Genzlinger, Settlers Hospitality Group
Megan Strub, EVP, Fauchere Hospitality Inc.
Davis R. Chant, Tamara Chant, Patty Tomaszewski and Audrey Lanham, Chant Real Estate
Bradley Kiesendahl, Owner and President, Woodloch Pines Inc.
Bridget & Steve Gelderman, East Shore Lodging/Gresham’s Landing/Wallenpaupack Boat Tours & Rentals
Ladora “Lori” Phillips, Ski Big Bear at Masthope Mountain and Costa’s Family Fun Park
June Carrozza, Masthope Mountain Community
Rachel & Johnny Waszczak, director/owner, Camp Oneka
Duncan Barger, director, Camp Shohola for Boys
Krista Gromalski & Sandy Long, Co-founders, Heron’s Eye Communications
Golden Fish Gallery
Sharon Travis, owner, Fantasy Tours & Cruises
Robert Ruiz, MBA, director, Pike County Human Services and Transportation
Julia & David Barol, Sparkomatic Café and Talkhouse
Janine Zinn, Earthly Treasures
Jen Murphy, Jen Murphy Fitnessss
Arlene Quirk, Keller Williams Real Estate
Dawn Marie & Nick Dillon, Breathless Raw Live Juice Bar
Ambience Furniture & Gifts
Diana & Mario Vukel
Jenny L. Chiapparelli, LMT, BCTMB
Bonnie Crellin
Bob Guccione Jr.
Michael H. McKean
Nancy Schoenleber
Scott Aronin
Celeste & Chuck O’Neil
Robert Keiber
Carol Witschel
Peggy Owens
Will Voelkel & Jay Lozada
Bill Cohen
Jeffrey Stocker, American Readers Theatre
Christa Caceres, President, Monroe County NAACP
Kurt Mackey, Board Chair, Pike County Public Library Board Chair, Morgan Stanley Executive Director
Liz Steen, Milford Garden Club
Pike Artworks, Inc./Milford Readers & Writers Festival board members: Edson Whitney, Rocco & Barbara Zappile, and Judy White
Amy Ferris, Pike Artworks Inc./Milford Readers & Writers Festival board member
Ken Ferris
Pike County Democratic Committee Chair Jay Tucker
Elaine Tucker
Delaware Valley Action
Debi Shaw, Secretary, Pike County Democratic Committee
Kevin Shaw, Palmyra Township Democratic Committee
Kindred Spirits Arts Programs Director Yosif Feigelson
Johanna LjungQvist-Brinson, Delaware Dancers
Pamela Chergotis, Editor, The Pike County Courier