Bipartisan deal makes critical investments in New Jersey infrastructure

On Aug. 10, U.S. Rep. Mikie Sherrill (NJ-11) released the following statement on the Senate’s passage of the bipartisan infrastructure deal:
Today, the Senate took a major step in addressing this nation’s infrastructure crisis by passing the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal, a landmark piece of legislation that will create jobs, improve the quality of life for millions of families, and make critical investments in our nation’s infrastructure.
At one point, America set the world standard in infrastructure. But for the past half a century, we’ve been resting on Eisenhower-era investments and as a result we’ve paid the price for not ensuring our infrastructure can keep up with our economy. This bipartisan legislation is a critical step in addressing these shortfalls and making investments for our nation’s future in key areas such as rail, clean water, environmental resilience, and clean power.
We know how badly needed these infrastructure investments are in New Jersey. That’s why I’ve been fighting to ensure we complete the Gateway Tunnel Project since the moment I entered Congress. It is the most critical surface infrastructure project in a nation full of crumbling infrastructure. With the investments in the Northeast Corridor included in this infrastructure bill, we’re finally moving forward on Gateway and, in doing so, will be improving the quality of life for families across northern New Jersey and protecting the entire national economy. I’m thrilled that this core New Jersey priority is playing such a central role in this infrastructure package.
I’m confident we’ll pass this bipartisan infrastructure bill in the House and finally deliver these investments for the American people.