Comments from the web

| 29 Jan 2020 | 10:44

    I was at the meeting. The Lake Mohawk Country Club Board of Trustees (LMCC BOT) made it clear they had certain safety benchmarks such crowd control, parking and and the expected size of the event (number of attendees) for them to renew the German Christmas Market (GCM) contract. The 2020 bid by the GCM fell short of these minimal safety expectations and the LMCC BOT had no choice but to not accept the contract as offered by the GCM.

    I do treasure my residency in LMCC and I enjoy the GCM. However, it seems the accountability falls on the GCM and their inability (unwillingness?) to meet the minimal safety expectations of the LMCC BOT. I hold out hope there is still time for the GCM to reassess their priorities and make a second proposal that meets the safety requirements of the LMCC BOT.

    -Jo Bu