To the Editor:
As I watched the RNC Convention coverage last week, I thought it must be being broadcast from an alternate universe.
On the second night of the convention, speaking of the coronavirus, Trump adviser Larry Kudlow, said “It was awful.” Health and economic impacts were tragic. Hardship and heartbreak were everywhere. But presidential leadership came swiftly and effectively with an extraordinary rescue for health and safety to successfully fight the COVID virus.
In reality, according to all media sources, every single day of the GOP convention, 1,000 Americans lost their lives to the virus, with the total number of deaths In the USA nearing 179,000 at its end. This “new-speak,” talking about COVID-19, as if it’s not really happening, it’s already over and we should move on, is apparently the Trump administration’s latest strategy for dealing with the deadliest pandemic in a century.
The last night of the convention, approximately 1,500 invited guests were seated on the White House lawn to view the festivities in person, shoulder to shoulder, with no social distancing, and very few wearing face masks. Despite the input of doctors, epidemiologists, and other coronavirus experts of his own administration, their advice and direction go scorned and/or ignored by our President.
With few expressions of compassion for its victims, Trump’s determined efforts to reopen the economy steeply increases the spread of COVID-19 far and wide every day.
Bonnie Rubin
Highland Lakes