How Senator Oroho can use tax revenue efficiently
To the Editor:
Senator Oroho has the daunting task of correcting the financial mess brought about by the Whitman administration and exasperated by the Murphy administration. Property taxes escalated beyond working class budgets while running up New Jersey’s debt that now sits at $220 billion! State Senator Steve Oroho, a professional financier who is on the State Budget and Appropriations Committee as well as the Senate Economic Growth Committee can affect solutions to this, for which we should support him when voting in November.
Senator Oroho can keep state pension and health care benefits, as well as recalculate the State School Funding Formula to get more value for what is spent. His “define contribution” plan is a predictable solution to the “define benefit” plan that is currently being used. If we implement this type of plan, we can make sure that our leaders in Trenton will not make promises that they know they cannot keep.
Senator Oroho has the integrity we need, in comparison to the politicians of the past who have taken donations from the state unions and paid them back with handsome benefits. Where do you think these past leaders are now? I bet they are sitting at one of their mansions or driving their luxury SUV to the next rubber chicken dinner preaching that climate change will end the world in seven years!
Please vote in November for Steve Oroho’s re-election.
Tony Alfano