To the Editor:
I thought the Republican Party was fiscally astute, most importantly, keeping our country’s economy humming for all Americans.
Well-immersed in the midst of a raging pandemic, and despite footage of miles and miles of cars lined up all over America to pick up donated food for their families, and many facing eviction from their homes, Congressional Republicans have decided to hunker down about approving a coronavirus relief package that would get our economy back on track. Where is this fiscal responsibility, when it is so sorely needed?
In a recent open letter, more than 125 American economists urged policymakers to provide more direct payments to Americans in order to help keep families out of poverty and help the economy recover from the coronavirus, and its related downturn. The $2.2 trillion CARES Act enacted in March, provided for one-time direct payments of up to $1,200 per adult and $500 per child.
Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have expressed interest in issuing a second round of payments in coronavirus relief legislation. Will our representatives come to their senses and aid their fellow Americans in these desperate times, or go down in history as the real Grinches of the 2020 holiday season in the middle of a terrible pandemic?
Bonnie Rubin
Highland Lakes