Resolution Condemning Hate in our Community

Editor’s note: The Resolution Condemning Hate in our Community presented to the Sussex County Commissioners on Jan. 27. “Four residents spoke in support of this resolution during public comment once it was introduced,” said Kristy Lavin of Hardyston. “The commissioners did not give any public comments regarding this but were provided an electronic copy of the resolution for their review after the meeting. I am hoping the public may be made aware of this and it is only by the press covering such occurrences this happens. That is why I am sharing this information. I thought it is relevant and something people in our county would care to know.”
Resolution Condemning white nationalism, white supremacy, neo-Nazism, and other groups and individuals who seek to divide our community and incite hatred:
Whereas, recently there has arisen in New Jersey and nationally a growing number of groups known as white nationalists, neo-Nazis, and other hate groups that threaten our democracy by seeking to reignite social animosities, reverse improvement of race relations and divide our community, and incite hatred:
And whereas, as members of the board of chosen Commissioners our collective responsibilities include promoting peace and prosperity of our community, exercising good judgment and promoting good will, and seeking to ensure the prosperity of all of our citizens and respect for one another’s diversity.
And whereas, we are committed to promoting a community that is unified, where people of different races, religions, and ethnic backgrounds resolve together to overcome the challenges of its past and become stronger and more inclusive.
Now therefore, be it resolved by the Board of Chosen Commissioners of Sussex County: white nationalists, white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and any other hate groups and individuals whose ideologies are based on hate, violence, discord and intolerance are rejected and condemned, and while such groups may be present in our community, they will not interfere with this Board’s efforts to address, engage and lead citizens of this county on issues related to racial diversity, equity and inclusion and to promote a deeper shared understanding of our community that is more inclusive.