Summer is nature’s gift to us

Sparta /
| 21 Jun 2024 | 08:50

    “Summertime and the livin’ is easy.

    Fish are jumpin’ and the cotton is high.”

    Seems like summer is everyone’s favorite. Kids sing, “No more pencils, no more books” (at least they used to) and family vacations are carefully planned.

    Summertime is nature’s gift to us to appreciate and enjoy. It is time to feel the sand between our toes and splash in the surf. It is time for thrills at amusement parks like Coney Island of happy memories. It is time to be excited by fireworks at ball games and county fairs.

    It is the time we suffer from sweltering humidity and take comfort in air-conditioning. It is time to be outdoors enjoying the additional hours of daylight and to enjoy the park’s summer concerts as we sit back in folding armchairs.

    It is time for cotton candy, soda, pretzels, popcorn and beer. It is time to anticipate the booming thunderstorms that break heat waves. It is time, anytime, for hot dogs, that ubiquitous and delicious treat that proves that God loves us and wants us to be happy. (Clams can do that, too.)

    What’s not to like, except maybe the pesky mosquitos that share the season with us.

    Summer is the time to just lie on soft green grass and listen to the kids play and to watch puffy white clouds make designs on an azure sky.

    Summer is a time to drift and dream and enjoy being alive.

    John Klumpp
