The County of Sussex is extremely concerned about the situation at the 543 licensed-bed Andover Subacute and Rehabilitation Center II. The County Division of Health reported to the State Department of Health (DOH) of an outbreak/cluster of SARS-CoV-2 within the facility on March 29. County public health staff has been in continued contact with health professionals at the facility. The State COVID-19 Long Term Care team has been providing guidance to the County Division of Health and the subacute facility.
Since the initial report was filed by the County with the State DOH the County's Public Health Nursing staff has provided updates to the State DOH and sent State DOH guidance documents to the facility. It is the State DOH that regulates a wide range of health care settings for quality of care, such the Andover Subacute and Rehabilitation Center II.
From April 6 to the present the County Division of Health filed complaints with the NJDOH, talked with the State Ombudsman's Office, advised County Prosecutor of allegations which were followed up by Andover Township Police, and alerted State and Federal Officials about the needs within the facility that must be immediately addressed.
The total number of deaths as of April 15 at this facility was 57 total deaths, of which 26 were COVID-19 related. Starting on April 1, the Sussex County Sheriff's Office of Emergency Management has made five deliveries of gloves, gowns, hand sanitizer, and masks.
Sussex County is committed to providing the best guidance available from the State of New Jersey to this subacute facility and all long term care facilities within the County and calls upon the State DOH to take the necessary actions straightaway. Sussex County is distressed by any comments suggesting its staff had indicated that current staffing at the facility was "solid."
The Division of Health and its personnel take its charge and responsibility seriously in the protection and promotion of the health, safety, and welfare of all Sussex County residents.
Carol A. Novrit, Administrator
Department of Health and Human Services