The muckraker

Sparta /
| 02 Jan 2025 | 03:03

    A muckraker is a journalistic reporter,

    Who exposes wrongdoing as a democracy supporter.

    Exposing real scandal and dishonest corruption,

    Causing both business and political disruption.

    Reform-minded journalists to make our lives better,

    Investigative watchdog freedom’s typesetter.

    The Fourth Estate’s badge of honor for transcendent truth,

    To reveal “rag” propaganda’s untruth.

    The muckraker relentless in honest pursuit,

    To ensure integrity and lawlessness persecute.

    Immigrants, homeless, poor and non-white victims,

    “Saved” by local news detectives’ soulful dictums.

    Proud history of investigative journalism,

    Past era usurped by “alt facts” and “fake newism”?

    George Kibildis
