Times Square

Sparta /
| 10 Oct 2023 | 01:33

    From our tri-state area less than two hours away,

    Lies New York City’s Time Square in a hectic melee.

    A foreign land with languages, habits and dress,

    So uniquely strange causing bucolic distress.

    Rural country and urban city we need compare,

    To live and let live in harmony and neither despair.

    Prejudice and bias can run amuck in our minds,

    But diversity breeds in creation’s designs.

    No city slickers or country hicks stated here,

    To celebrate differences for both a new frontier.

    Difficult in reality to be inclusive,

    Need work at understanding not to be exclusive.

    With an open heart go visit Times Square’s humanity,

    And decide what brotherhood compassion need be.

    Bill Kibildis
