What does America mean to you?
To me, it’s the story of a young boy named Tayfun Selen...
Born in Istanbul, Turkey, 6,000 miles away...
Who came to this country in 1996 aspiring to be an architect...
With more dreams in my head...and hope in my heart...
Than dollars in my pocket...or English words in my vocabulary.
Today, I’m announcing my candidacy for Congress...
To give back and pay it forward...
To a country that gave me the opportunity to make all of my dreams come true.
I’m running because America is at a crossroads...
And I want to make sure we, as a nation, choose the right path forward.
A path of free market capitalism, not soul-crushing socialism.
A path that respects the rule of law, not excuses lawlessness.
A path that unites us as Americans, not divides us by our differences.
A path of freedom and opportunity, not government control and cancel culture.
As an immigrant whose first job was pumping gas...
I worked to put myself through business school...
Earn my citizenship...
Get married and become a father...
Serve as mayor of my hometown...
And win election to countywide office...
I learned along the way that the greatness of America isn’t defined by what we have...
It’s defined by who we are.
The greatness of America is its people...And the principle that if you work hard and play by the rules, you can achieve anything.
I love New Jersey...
I love this country...
And I’m excited to begin this journey to Washington to serve as your next Congressman.
See you on the campaign trail!
Tayfun Selen
Editor’s note: Morris County Commissioner Tayfun Selen (R-Chatham Township) has launched his campaign for the 11th Congressional District Congressional seat currently held by Democrat Mikie Sherrill.