To the Editor:
It is very hard for me to understand the stampede to get the Covid vaccine shot when the survival rate from the virus is over 99.6%. As we can still be contagious after receiving the shot, what is the point of inserting an unproven, unreliable, experimental biological agent into our bodies? According to world renowned vaccine developer and virologist Geert Bossche, PhD, DVM, Covid mutates every ten hours. No vaccine invented will ever be able to keep up with that.
There are numerous reasons why the Covid vaccine is a seriously bad idea:
1. It was developed in nine months instead of the usual nine years. Don’t tell me that mistakes weren’t made in such a ramped-up period of time.
2. Properly extensive testing has not been done. This is a major risk factor, especially since long-term effects haven’t had the time to happen and be studied.
3. The vaccine developers will not be held financially accountable if things go south with your injection, Hundreds of people have already permanently gone south from the injection and their families are left with no legal recourse.
4. I read that insurance companies are refusing to pay out life insurance to the families of those that die since the vaccine is ‘experimental’ and not FDA approved (emergency use approval isn’t the same). Moreover, calling it a ‘vaccine’ is incorrect: this drug actually falls into the category of ‘gene therapy’ which ought to frighten any sensible person.
5. The Covid vaccine messes with our RNA, an incredibly complex system that no one in their right mind would want to tamper with.
If pro-vaxxer Dr Bossche is putting his career on the line by seizing every available platform to warn people against having the Covid vaccine, I think we ought to pay attention to what he says. Here’s the gist of his opinion: our immune systems contain non-specific antibodies. Non-specific means they patrol our systems and work against anything that doesn’t belong there. The Covid vaccine contains specific antibodies - that means they have the power to attack only one thing: whatever variety of Covid was in fashion at the time the vaccine was developed. They are useless against any other invader. Here’s the kicker: As the vaccine’s antibodies are more powerful than those in our natural immune system, our own very effective antibodies are overcome and destroyed by those in the vaccine. The vaccine’s antibodies are long lived and according to Dr Bossche, they cannot be erased. That leaves us in serious trouble because our usually very good defense system has now been sabotaged. Dr Bossche expects that when the normally health challenged season starts this fall, we will be in serious trouble.
My original plan was to obtain a Religious Exemption against the shot. However, the Democrat-controlled NJ Legislature has ruled that such exemptions will not be allowed. So I have no idea what I’m going to do. I find it bizarre that it is legal to kill a pre-born baby but I don’t have the legal right to decide what goes into my body.
Eighty years ago, Nazi Germany forced citizens to subject themselves to medical experimentation. The world condemned them for that. Yet here we are, moving towards doing exactly the same thing. Life will be very difficult if Covid vaccinations are required. Regardless, I will not be getting the shot.
Sue C. Speck