I would like to thank our local residents who have donated supplies, made masks, or made food donations to feed Newton Hospital on May 8. I’d like to recognize residents Diana Anthony, Anthony Parisi, Laurie and Ray Cipollini, Lori Miller, Rose Tucker, John and Joelle DeMasi, Dottie and Ed Franco, Colleene Chapparo, Lisa and Mark Smith, Lauri and Keith Trowbridge, Anita DeLorenzo, Jeanne and Mark Montemarrano, Sandy and Mike Donahue, Jeanne and Ed Schwartz, Maureen Kurtz, Maria Grizzetti, Linda Whitehead, Tammy Araujo, and Tracey Staples for their efforts.
More than 1,000 headbands and more than 600 masks went out to residents, five local hospitals, and the Kessler Rehabilitation Center. Thank you to all the residents who donated groceries and also to Sharon Duschi Leon for collecting at least 250 bags of groceries and distributing them to needy residents.
We are working on a drive-through pick-up grocery program for our residents in need and also a drop-off delivery for our seniors or other residents unable to come to the drive-through.
I am very proud of all our first responders, essential workers and residents for all they have done. Stanhope may be a small town, but we are a small town with a very large heart.
Patricia Zdichocki
Stanhope Borough Mayor