Sean and Kim of the Franklin ShopRite register blood donors at the drive on August 8. ( Photo by Janet Redyke) Urgent blood donation need continues At a recent blood drive sponsored by the Franklin ShopRite, associate Sean was heard making an announcement over the store’s... Local News 11 Aug 2022 | 11:23
A woman donates blood at a recent drive event organized by the New York Blood Center. ( New York Blood Center) Shepherd of the Hills to host community blood drive Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church will be hosting a community blood drive on Thursday, July 28, from 1 to 7 p.m. Donors... Local News 08 Jul 2022 | 10:41
A blood donor gives a thumbs up to the cause. ( New York Blood Center) Local blood donors sought to address nationwide shortage Did you know that we are experiencing the worst blood donation shortage in a decade? That’s according to the American Red... News 10 May 2022 | 10:22
The immeasurable kindness of blood donors has allowed me to enjoy the holidays with my family When I was able I donated blood often. It always made me feel good thinking in some way I was helping someone. Well, now... Letters to the Editor 21 Dec 2021 | 06:41