From left: Sharon Leon, Denise Koellhoffer, Ginny LePore, and Katie Baron at The Waterloo Neighborhood Pantry (Photo provided by Waterloo Neighborhood Pantry) From a few bags of groceries, a mighty effort grows to feed the hungry When school was in session, New Jersey fed students breakfast and lunch five days a week. But that all stopped when Covid-19... Local News 22 Mar 2021 | 11:48
From left: food pantry coordinator Sharon Duschl Leon with gardeners Denise Koellhoffer, Ginny Lepore and Katie Baron (Photo provided) Stanhope pantry-garden is well-rooted in community A new Stanhope-based program to combat hunger is a truly grassroots effort, but it also features roots of many other kinds... Local News 20 Oct 2020 | 05:03