To the Editor:
This is in response to the letter from George Daggett printed in the July 2 issue:
You related a wonderful story of your grandson repairing your flag that got tangled in a fence. Then you decided to make it a political story. How dare you appropriate his story for your personal political beliefs? How dare you think you have a monopoly on the flag or patriotism?
You end your letter with “Okay anti-Trump letter writers, your turn.” How irresponsible. This is the attitude that contributes to the extreme polarization in this country. People can have different opinions and still love this country.
If you left off the beginning and ending paragraphs, it would have been a great July 4th story. Instead, you took the low road. No wonder lawyers end up high in the results of most surveys of the least respected occupations.You should be ashamed of yourself -- if that is possible.
John F. Ciaffon
Sparta, N.J.