Say it isn’t so, George There must be some mistake. There is a well-known attorney in Sparta named George Daggett, but it could not be from him.... Letters to the Editor 14 Jun 2024 | 07:58
What Trump conviction means Last Thursday at about 5:10, I heard that President Trump was convicted of all the charges against him. My immediate reaction... Letters to the Editor 31 May 2024 | 08:48
Independent serves local readers In the recent Independent, we read how Pope John High School had honored those who died on 9/11. There was in the area a flag... Letters to the Editor 24 Sep 2021 | 02:31
How dare you think you have a monopoly on the flag or patriotism? To the Editor: This is in response to the letter from George Daggett printed in the July 2 issue: You related a wonderful story... Letters to the Editor 03 Jul 2020 | 08:35