In the recent Independent, we read how Pope John High School had honored those who died on 9/11.
There was in the area a flag for every person that died on that day. There was also a moving tribute to the American flag and the stars and stripes were flown over the Pope John fields being towed by an aircraft. And to top it off, Pope John won its football game on Homecoming Saturday.
Persons driving by stopped or blew their horn in recognition. People talked about it and social media was alive with it.
However, not one word appeared in the New Jersey Herald which used to call itself the local newspaper of Sussex County. We used to read a police blotter, who was getting married, who died, and the events of the county as set forth in letters to the editor by Sussex County residents, not Bergen, Hudson or Morris. The New Jersey Herald used to be our newspaper. We have become an afterthought.
Way back when, the Herald used to be two days a week because there weren’t that many happenings at that time. It then became our source of information as to what was happening throughout our county. We have been sold out to the Gannett operation. Our news of Sussex County now comes to us from the Independent and perhaps, it should be more than once a week.
Oh, by the way, I’m canceling my subscription to The Herald.
George Daggett